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Technical Skills

Business Development

Business Development is the identification of opportunities, either externally or internally that drive growth for the company.


Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic management tool to quickly and easily define and communicate a business idea or concept. It is a one-page document that works through the fundamental elements of a business or product, structuring an idea in a coherent way.


Customer Discovery

Move beyond assumptions and explore how to better align your solution to your customer to ensure a proper fit for success.  


Design Thinking

Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test.



While ideas and technology are the engine of your business, capital is the fuel necessary to catapult your endeavor forward. Your success requires you to determine the right type of capital for the size and stage of your business. Learn how to prepare for, and approach investors to ensure the best chances for success. 



Human Resources

Managing people and those relationships are just as important your bottom line.


Intellectual Property

Intellectual property emerges as a crucial asset for protecting, enhancing, and monetizing innovation. By securing patents, trademarks, and copyrights, startups can establish a formidable competitive advantage, attract funding, and drive growth.



At the heart of any successful sale and marketing strategy is an understanding of your target audience and customer base. By learning who your customers are, what they need and why they buy, you can tailor your sales & marketing strategy to better meet their needs.


Product Development

Product development is of critical importance for technology startups: given the limited budget typically available to early-stage startups, making the right product development decisions can make the difference between success and failure.



The first stage of product development in startups is prototyping. A prototype is a very simple product to visualize your idea so that you can start getting feedback and traction.



Storytelling is a craft. Just like product development, you have to improve your story through practice, feedback, and iteration.


Team Building

For a team to win, it first needs to be the right team.The company’s DNA is a crucial factor in its chances of succeeding, and the biggest challenge for founding entrepreneurs is to build it the right way.  


Technical Skills

Entrepreneurs need to possess the technical savvy to move their ventures forward in uncharted territory. Technical skills are important for every entrepreneur.

Interpersonal Skills

Most entrepreneurship programs tend to focus on the technical and business skills necessary to build a business, but often neglect the soft skills which are critical for success.

Behaviorial ‘Fitness’

Running a company can be stressful in the best of times and team dynamics, customer preferences, and market conditions are in constant flux, requiring entrepreneurs to navigate these changes with awareness, precision, and agility.

In addition, cultivating and practicing trust can be difficult for startup founders who often have to be reminded that “their baby” is bigger than they are.  By trusting others entrepreneurs can achieve exponential outcomes, while improving creative outcomes,  team morale and acceptance.


Cognitive ‘Athleticism’

Extraordinary entrepreneurs possess the ability to think in a non-linear way, particularly under conditions of volatility, ambiguity, and stress. It is important to not only embrace the obvious and most direct path, but also to see routes that can.



Entrepreneurs have to be able to effectively communicate with your team, customers, partners, and investors. It also means being a good listener and understanding what people are saying to you.  To describe a future that a customer, partner, or team member has not yet experienced yet requires entrepreneurs to be master storytellers and take us with them on a journey we can not only imagine, but can see ourselves participating in.


Conflict Resolution

Conflicts arise in any environment where people interact. Businesses are no different. While conflict is largely inevitable, a leader's ability to resolve disagreements quickly and effectively can prevent those conflicts from damaging productivity and interpersonal relationships.


Creative Problem Solving

Creativity can be an important trait of an entrepreneur. The intent of being an entrepreneur is to break away from practical norms and use imagination to embrace quick and effective solutions to an existing problem.



Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within the other person's frame of reference. Empathy is a critical skill for entrepreneurs because it allows them to put themselves in their customers', employees, and partners' shoes, and understand their needs, wants and aspirations.


How to Play (Serious Play)

Play can increase creativity, reduce stress, therefore, increasing overall performance with improving your overall mood and productivity level. Play, especially in adulthood, helps to increase innovation and creativity, which leads to business success.



Entrepreneurial imagination involves the ability to envision possibilities beyond the existing boundaries. It allows entrepreneurs to think beyond conventional wisdom, challenge the status quo and imagine new possibilities of solving problems or meeting customer needs.



Entrepreneurial leadership is a mindset that sees opportunities where others see problems. Leadership skills are essential for entrepreneurs as they need to be able to motivate and inspire their team members in order to achieve success.


Navigating Uncertainty

At the core of entrepreneurship lies a willingness to embrace uncertainty. Entrepreneurs who navigate risks successfully can reap financial gains, industry recognition, and personal fulfillment.


Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is the set of values, beliefs, attitudes, systems, and rules that outline and influence employee behavior within an organization. The culture reflects how founders, employees, customers, vendors, and stakeholders experience the organization and its brand.


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